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  • FROG Blog

    Confessions of the FROG Lady

    Right, I’m just going to come out and say it. No use pretending everything is OK- Because it’s not. My confession is happening now. I’ve told you a bit about it in the past, but now I’m going to just come right out and say it. I Am Not Of Sound Mind. Phew! Glad that’s over with.The reason [...]

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    Can you feel the FROG vibe?

    Do you sometimes wonder how you got to where you are in life? How that chain of events led you to your current destination which only leaves you wondering where you are headed down the track. Often we’re not aware of where we are headed until we actually arrive and it’s not until we experience events that make us [...]

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    Sending some love to our farmers

    Well there's only two words to describe the weather at the moment and that is HOT and DRY. We've all been sweltering and wondering when we'll ever see rain again. The grass is brown and crunchy and backyard gardens are starting to dry out... the forecast has been promising the odd bit of rain, but [...]

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    A FROG with no footprint

    Running a waste-free business is something that's really important to me... after all, whats the point of offering amazing fruit and veg that has been grown in harmony with the earth, if it's not supplied in a sustainable manner!I feel like our froggy footprint is pretty small. We recycle pre-loved styrofoam boxes that are given [...]

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    Are you smiling on the inside?

    How’s your mind? Out of 1-10 what would you rate yourself at? Really, if anything should determine our overall health, it should be our mind. OK so I’m going to be completely honest with you (because this is what this blog is about!), my healthy mind score goes up and down, a lot! I do my best to [...]

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    Ode to butter

    My love for butter runs deep... its a staple in our house- in fact if we run out of butter a 'butter emergency' is immediately declared... our whiteboard shopping list is taken over with huge capital letters and lots of exclamation marks- BUTTER!!!!!!!!! Must get butter ASAP. If the worst should happen and we do run [...]

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    You'll thank me when you're older

    Sometimes you watch or read something that really hits a chord within.... when you learn something new, you can't un-know it... suddenly that knowledge becomes a part of you and it starts shaping the way you react to life. This can be said for my journey into why I choose to eat organic food. At first [...]

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    I love you, eat your broccoli

    It all starts as a Mother To Be- eating for two. Immediately we’re thrown into the deep end, having to make positive food choices for our developing baby. Saying goodbye to soft cheese and wine was hard. But I foolishly thought that in 9 months time things would get easier... boy was I wrong.Sure the first few months [...]

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    Have you caught the fermenting bug yet?

    Sauerkraut- There's something about that tangy jar of veggie goodness that just gets me excited... If you haven't caught the bug yet, let me tell you about my experiences.Now I'm no naturopath, or health expert at all. If I had to label myself I would use words such as 'health aware', 'self taught' and 'body [...]

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    Sometimes you've just gotta do what you gotta do!

    Time away from FROG doesn't occur very often, so with the Easter break looming I had visions of reading a few good books, going to the beach with the kids and doing a bit of catch up cooking for the lunchboxes that are bound to need filling sooner than expected. But as it happens, my [...]

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