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  • FROG Blog

    Where Does Your Food Really Come From?

    The Every Level Wellness retreat taught me a lot of things but one of the moments I loved the most was when we did a lesson in mindfulness- using food. If you ever want to truly appreciate what you put in your mouth then read on….Hold an item of food in your hand, we did [...]

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    If You Love Something- Support It!

    If you love something set it free support it!It’s so easy to say you love something, to give your support with ‘likes’ and clicks of approval on social media, but the honest truth is that the only way to really support anything you love is by putting your money where your mouth is- regularly.Yes [...]

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    Accepting The Imperfections In Life

    I was talking to a new-found friend at the retreat last weekend. We were talking about what I do and she mentioned that she had ordered from a similar type of business down in Brisbane a while back. She told me how much she loved receiving her boxes, but that after a few weeks she [...]

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    The Art of Relaxing on Holiday

    What makes a holiday relaxing? I’ve just had a chalk and cheese holiday so it’s got me thinking… Having 2 weeks off we were all set to go away, but the weather turned and camping was put on the back burner over the Easter break. We spent the first week of school holidays lounging around at home. Sleeping in [...]

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    From FROG Lady to Brave Warrior

    I’m doing it! I’m taking the plunge into the great abyss of the unknown... I’m going to be brave!!!It’s funny to look back on life and see how many doors you can unknowingly close on yourself when you just go with the flow and stop doing things outside of your comfort zone. If I used a house as [...]

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    Could Embarrassment Be The Key To Happiness?

    Here we are, almost one 12th into 2018… and I can feel it’s going to be a BIG year!Last year had its challenges, many of them… I retreated, and tried to work out what was going on within. I wished for more strength, and constantly fought with the anxiety demons in my head. It wasn’t a fun year. [...]

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    PUBLIC APOLOGY For Being Rude

    Face blindness. What has it got to do with FROG you may ask? Well absolutely nothing, yet for me EVERYTHING!Have I ever passed you by in the street or perhaps the supermarket and given you a blank stare? Or maybe I’ve smiled politely at you, searching your face for a clue and then passed on by? You probably [...]

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    Gut Health- The Fun Way!

    Healthy habits- they are kind of like a roller coaster… sometimes they are up, sometimes they are down- well in my world they are. Although I don’t fall off the wagon into a pile of sugar and processed foods, I do know that I still need to actively add extra healthy habits to my life as just eating [...]

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    Fuel those kids up!

    It’s been 10 years today. 10 years since my son Jaia was born, and changed my life. Sometimes I wonder what I would be doing if he hadn’t come into my life. I probably wouldn’t be the FROG lady, and perhaps I wouldn’t be so convinced about eating organic. But kids change you. For the better.Being responsible for [...]

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    Baby Steps to a Greener Planet

    Have you ever considered what would happen if we all tried a little harder?We all live our lives according to reference points, rules we set for ourselves that are comfortable, but have you ever pondered how different things could be if we all pushed ourselves that little bit further. If we expected that little bit more of ourselves, if [...]

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